Transformation Through Yoga

This is an informal journal of my experiences with Bikram yoga. Through my practice I have become a better version of myself. Not only has my health improved in marked and measurable ways, I have also become much more deeply happy, connected with the present and have moved further down the path of enlightenment toward kindness and compassion for all beings.

I hope eventually to become engaged in dialog with others practicing Bikram yoga with their own intentions and experiences. Please share your comments. I will receive them without judgment or attachment, and with an open heart.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Comfortable with Uncertainty

This month has been full of snow and all of the disruptions that weather brings with it- snow days, delayed openings and early closings at school, treacherous driving and canceled yoga classes. Pre-Bikram, these last minute changes in routine and the uncertainty that accompanies it would have been a tremendous source of stress for me. It occurred to me when we had a change of teacher in the middle of practice (on two occasions) and a teacher's puppy making faces at us through the door, that I have become much more adaptable to distractions and disruptions. Usually, the children at school are very discombobulated by an on-again, off-again schedule, but they haven't been. I know I feel much more que sera sera about it myself and maybe they're responding to that. This adaptability and more relaxed attitude is one more thing I think I owe to my Bikram practice.

Plus- it is helping mitigate the back and shoulder strain from shoveling all this snow!

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