Transformation Through Yoga

This is an informal journal of my experiences with Bikram yoga. Through my practice I have become a better version of myself. Not only has my health improved in marked and measurable ways, I have also become much more deeply happy, connected with the present and have moved further down the path of enlightenment toward kindness and compassion for all beings.

I hope eventually to become engaged in dialog with others practicing Bikram yoga with their own intentions and experiences. Please share your comments. I will receive them without judgment or attachment, and with an open heart.


Friday, December 31, 2010

January 30-Day Challenge

I was not able to do the 30-day challenge offered in June, but I did my own in August. It was exhilarating to finish successfully- I even did two classes in a row on my final day! It was a challenge and there were days I had to make myself go, but the really worrisome aspect of it was not getting to the class on time- traffic was my concern.

There is a challenge coming in January and I would love to participate. The main obstacles for this challenge for me are traffic, weather and work obligations. I could do a couple of things to minimize the obstacles such as leave early to manage delays from traffic. I could talk to people at work to see if I could leave early or take a personal day to help me achieve my goal. I can't do anything about the weather, but neither can anyone else.

The other option is to just come as often as I can. What should I do?

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