Transformation Through Yoga

This is an informal journal of my experiences with Bikram yoga. Through my practice I have become a better version of myself. Not only has my health improved in marked and measurable ways, I have also become much more deeply happy, connected with the present and have moved further down the path of enlightenment toward kindness and compassion for all beings.

I hope eventually to become engaged in dialog with others practicing Bikram yoga with their own intentions and experiences. Please share your comments. I will receive them without judgment or attachment, and with an open heart.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Doldrums and the Ecstasy

This is usually the time of year when I quietly recite to myself the poetry of Dorothy Parker or Emily Dickinson. . . "pain has an element of blank- it can not recollect when it begun or if there was a time when it was not-" As usual, it is not easy this year. However, I have not needed Dorothy and Emily as much. The dark thoughts are much less possessive of me and I feel more hopeful than usual.

I had a strong class last night, and lately practice has taken on a more meditative, reflective quality. Though it is always a "90-minute moving meditation" I have experienced it as much deeper the past few times. My mind has felt more settled and quiet. I have made progress in several postures, as well. Toe stand, standing head to knee and standing separate leg stretching pose.

It is easy this time of year to give in to the doldrums of winter, the stagnation and temptation to hibernate. But the tremendous happiness and sense of accomplishment, the ecstasy of finishing a Bikram yoga class keeps me from burrowing in completely.

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