Transformation Through Yoga

This is an informal journal of my experiences with Bikram yoga. Through my practice I have become a better version of myself. Not only has my health improved in marked and measurable ways, I have also become much more deeply happy, connected with the present and have moved further down the path of enlightenment toward kindness and compassion for all beings.

I hope eventually to become engaged in dialog with others practicing Bikram yoga with their own intentions and experiences. Please share your comments. I will receive them without judgment or attachment, and with an open heart.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Recovering From a Cold

Before Bikram, I was almost always sick. I would have colds that lasted days or a week or longer. Just when I felt a bit better I'd get some other cold or flu. Since beginning Bikram yoga I've had very few colds. When I do get them they last only a day or so and the symptoms are much less severe.

I've found that going to class near the onset of symptoms of a cold makes me feel better by the next day. I've had that experience once a few months ago and again this week.

A busy weekend after a long period (a month) of working without taking a day off was too much for me, I think.* Yesterday I began feeling a scratchy throat and headache, stiff muscles and congestion. I went to class this morning and struggled through- it seemed extra hot (which was good for my achy muscles, but hard for breathing) and I felt tired and weaker than usual. I needed to sit out one posture one time and I felt lighted headed almost from pranayama breathing, but I persevered, knowing I would feel better later. I did all of the postures (except one set of balancing stick) as best I could, without getting too lighted headed. My recovery was much longer than usual- I needed to stay in final savasana for almost 10 minutes and felt tired immediately after class. But after a shower and a good lunch, I was able to do all of my pre-Thanksgiving errands and now I feel almost completely recovered and well again.

I'm careful, when I'm not feeling well, to not share my germs with others in class. I just keep to myself a bit more and don't touch anything but my own belongings.

*One thing I've had to adjust to is the change in my energy level. It is far greater since beginning Bikram, but still I can push myself too hard. I'm able to accomplish much more with less effort, exhaustion and fuss. Still, I have limitations which I need to respect. However, I don't see these limitations as set in stone anymore- over time I expect continue to increase my energy levels and immune response. I find I can test my current limitations with less concern (that I'll be put out of commission for days) and more curiosity about how much better I might respond.

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